Friday, May 30, 2014

Faith- definition from dictionary  "complete trust or confidence in someone or something."

One word yet it can mean so much.  Complete trust, how can we know about complete trust.  Trust not just in the good times but also in the dark times.   Not knowing what will happen but only knowing this is God's will and that you must obey but because of faith knowing he will be there and things will work out for His plan. Faith like a child.  Have you ever thrown a child into the air and caught them again?  Spun them around and around.  Caught them as they jumped from what to them seemed a great hight? They scream not out of fear but because it is exhilarating.  When we have faith things that otherwise would seem scary or impossible seem quite simple.  Sometimes we are lead to worry about what will happen how things will work out.  It is important to remember that while the decisions we are making will have an impact and need careful consideration if we are searching for God's will and heart in whatever situation we find ourselves and are striving to follow no matter what it really becomes quite simple.  This is what God has given us to do and because he has given it to us He will provide what we need as Hudson Taylor said, “God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.” It may not come in the way we were expecting, the way we wanted, or the place we were looking, but it is the way God has planned it.  As in the story of the battle or Jericho perhaps the way will seem strange but God has a plan.  A plan where he is exaulted and provides and cares for us when we follow his will.  As the song from Veggie Tales goes.

"The Lord has given this land to us
No need to fuss, He knows what He's doing
We know that He will take care of us
If we will follow Him.

God's way is the best way,
Now that I know He loves me so
His way is the best way
And that's the way for me!"

Faith simple childlike faith may not always seem easy to obtain.  The way will not always be easy but we know that God is always there to catch us to hold us and comfort us and to lead us again down the path He has chosen for us.

Faith (Sept. 30, 2003)

Faith is not jumping into the dark, not knowing what is there.
Faith is jumping into the dark, knowing that God’s loving arms are going to catch you.

Julie Gibson

Darkest Night (September 12, 2009)

Sometimes you need the darkness
So you can see the light
For light it shines it’s brightest
In the darkest night
When the sky  is blackest
Shine the greatest stars
When your in the deepest valleys
Is when you see what mountains are
If we had no valley travels
How would we know the greatest heights
The arms of God will lift us higher
Through our deepest darkest nights
We could not see heights attained
If we would net be down beneath
Nor see the stars shine out their greatest
If there where no nights.

Julie Gibson

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sometimes it is easy to compare our lives to those around us.  To the lives they live or the ministries they have.  What is our view of success? In life is it about having things, time, money, marriage, children?  In ministry the number of people in your church, the size of the building, the programs you have?    Lately I have been thinking a lot about John 21:15-23.  Jesus is speaking with Peter and asks him 3 times. "Peter do you love me?"   Peter answers each time, "Lord you know I love you" and is getting hurt by how often Jesus is asking him.  Jesus reply is "Feed my lambs, take care of my sheep".  Peter is called to care for Jesus sheep and Jesus goes on to tell him how he will end his days, it is not a nice picture.  Then says to Peter "Follow me"  Peter's response to this is to ask about another disciple wondering about him and Jesus reply is basicly "What is that to you?  You follow me." It is so easy to look at other peoples lives to wish for the things and ministries they have and to compare them to your own but this is not what is important.  In the parable Jesus told in Matthew 15:14-30 each servant was given according to thier talents, according to what the master wanted them to have.  They were not judged on what they had been given but what they had done with the resources they had.  We are to be faithful with the little or much that we have and the important thing is to Follow the path the Lord has set before us.  To be faithful with the people, money, time, energy and resources we have been given.  Not to worry about what other people have done with what they have been given.  As he said "What is that to you?  You follow me."

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A New Kitchen Item

This week I bought a food processor/blender and have been excited to be able to make some things I haven't had for a long time becasue I didn't have a way to make them.  The thing I make most often these days is limeaide as spring has come upon us with warm weather.  However today the thunderstorms started again so maybe I was a bit over enthusiatic about the good weather.  I will continue to enjoy my new kitchen item and the good things I can make with it. So glad that it is now much easier to find limes in Albania and looking forward to having refreshing drinks throughout the very hot summer. For anyone interested in knowing how to make limeaide you simply put one lime cut into pieces into a blender with 1/3 -2/3 cup sugar and 1- 1 1/2 liters of water and blend.  Then strain and enjoy.  Best served cold with ice and the same day as it will start to turn bitter if left overnight.

Monday, March 24, 2014


I have the thought to begin blogging.  I am not to optimistic about how often I will post or how long it will last but thought I might give it a try.  So here it goes at least it is a beginning and you have to start somewhere.  When I send out news letters they have the title of Kaleidoscope and that is also what I am calling this blog.  I have not explained the title to people in the past and some may be wondering where it comes from.  Here I will post something I wrote some years ago which was the inspiration for the title.


My life is a Kaleidoscope of colours swirling; people, places, cultures, mixing together mingling with the pain the wretches at my soul as life changes sending me into a spinning vat of emotions.  I am ripped apart leaving pieces behind and clinging to the hope that tomorrow will be better than today.  The colours and shapes combine to make a picture that bends and shapes the world around me.  I am caught up in the display of a million particles changing my perspective bringing joy, hope and laughter to my ever-changing world, amidst the ruins of lives left behind.  I am caught up in the dance, moving here and there pausing for a moment only to move on again in a direction unforeseen.  The colours of my world change with every movement bringing together the aspects of my past with the reality of the present and just as I begin to enjoy the picture, change: my enemy, my rival, my companion, and friend.  The colors are moving again, dancing across the screen of my life bringing hope, joy, laughter and pain.  My life is a kaleidoscope of colours; people, places, cultures, swirling together, and I wouldn’t change it for anything. (Nov.13,2007)